Your go-to resource on how to build resilience - emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually

Yoga of the Mind messages Jan 17, 2009

Even though I teach yoga, it's nice to take class as a student to focus on my own practice.  And this time of year in Minneapolis, a hot yoga class is almost like an hour-long tropical vacation.

I was traveling last week, which means making the best of what's available when it comes to eating well ...

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I’ve got a problem with The Biggest Loser messages Jan 07, 2009

Though I don't watch much t.v., I don't live in a cave either. I am stunned to learn that some of the contestants on last night's Biggest Loser premier lost 20+ and 30+ pounds in one week. One. Week. Where do I begin...

How many people now think it's not only possible for them to lose 30 pounds in ...

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“Nice entertainment center…” messages Jan 02, 2009

This was the compliment I recently received from my brother in regards to this:

This is my 13" color t.v. from college (complete with 60's era rabbit ears) making a rare appearance in our house. It usually resides in the front hall closet next to the vacuum. The vacuum gets waaaay more play than th...

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Am I really eating ALL THE TIME? messages Dec 26, 2008

It's not until I'm visiting somewhere or hanging out with distant friends or relatives, that I realize how often I need to eat. My friends will tell you I'm always eating, but my norm is my norm, you know? It doesn't seem odd to me. What seems odd to me is how some people can get by on eating 1-2 ti...

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Airport Sprintervals messages Dec 15, 2008

This is happening to me lately more often than not:

1. Just barely making an airport connection.
2. Saying to myself "Thank heavens I do speed work".

I left from Minneapolis today to do a speaking event in White Plains, NY, via a flight through Atlanta. We arrive in Atlanta and the pilot lets us k...

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