Your go-to resource on how to build resilience - emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually

The Record Scratch messages Apr 09, 2009

I have made a very diligent effort NEVER to talk about my weight in front of my daughter (who will be 9 in a couple of weeks).  I am adamant about "fat talk" - it is never allowed in our home.  So when we were standing in the kitchen last week after dinner and she said "I feel fat", I heard the reco...

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The Sumo Wrestler Diet messages Apr 04, 2009

In thinking of what questions people ask me on a regular basis, a lot of them have to do with nutrition.  Exercise is a choice - either you do it or you don't.  When it comes to eating, it's not an optional activity and we're forced to make choices several times a day, every day.  With this in mind,...

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One Of The Best Methods For Losing Fat messages Mar 30, 2009

High Intensity Intermittent Exercise (HIIE) training, which consists of short bursts of intense output followed by short periods of rest or active rest, is gaining popularity in the fitness world and if you haven't heard about it yet, you're about to.

A study published in the January Issue of the I...

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Meaty Goodness Part 2 messages Mar 27, 2009

It's been exactly one month since I made the commitment to eat at least one meatless meal per week.  (Read the original post "Meaty Goodness".)

I've been pretty successful in that I've substituted 7 meatless meals!

I should back up a bit to say that breakfast is always meatless, and it's pretty mu...

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Swiffer Twist Hottest New Exercise. Or Not. messages Mar 22, 2009

Finding time to exercise when you've got a family can be challenging.  Saturday was a little crazy and it wasn't until afternoon that I was able to squeeze in a run.  I also had to convince my 8-year old daughter to come with me because I didn't want her to stay home alone.  Woops, I better back tha...

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