Recent events have caused your leaders and employees to question their lives and careers. You’ve lost many valuable people and the ones who haven’t left are not as engaged as they used to be. They’re contemplating what they want - and need - from their work and are ready to consider other opportunities.
We process our external world using our inner compass and inner dialogue.
Unfortunately, many of us don’t have as much clarity on our inner compass as we think, and we lack awareness of how much our inner dialogues are sabotaging our success. As a result, we’re overwhelmed when faced with change, are less resilient to stress, lose confidence and direction, and are less engaged.
Research shows that people who are purposeful in their jobs perform better, are more likely to avoid burnout, and are more committed.
And using inner dialogue to create purposeful stories drives engagement, passion, and success.
Not only will your people experience the game-changing discovery of their current purpose, but the rich group dialogue that takes place will also form a deep sense of connection, understanding, and unity.