Recovery Micro Strategies for Leaders & Managers

Help your teams balance stress and recovery by starting every meeting with energy recovery strategies.

Just let me know where you want me to send them.

Nervous about sharing your email address? I get it.

While it will connect us via my newsletter, I promise I won’t overwhelm your inbox. I send a weekly newsletter filled with tips, articles, and resources – and you can unsubscribe at anytime.

And I don’t share your information with anyone.


I’m excited to share some powerful tools that will help you stress-proof your brain & body. You’ll also feel more resilient, healthy and energized.

Just let me know where you’d like me to send them.

Nervous about sharing your email address? I would be too. While it will connect us via my newsletter, I promise I won’t overwhelm your inbox. I send an occasional newsletter filled with tips, articles and resources – and you can unsubscribe at anytime.
And I don’t share your information with anyone.

Emotional Mojo Jenny chats with the Emotional Mojo team about her book and how to keep commitments with help from Sneaky Pete.

The Daily Buzz The Daily Buzz interviews Jenny on how to retrain our brains to better cope with stress – and help us stick to our 2015 resolutions.

Do you want a more fulfilling, passionate & purposeful life?
Get started with my FREE Ignite Your Purpose Mini Course!

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