Ā Your go-to resource onĀ how to build resilience - emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually
Many of you have asked to see our full virtual experience.
Watch this video to preview some longer excerpts from my burnout and resilience keynotes and initiatives.
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Here's your burnout solution...actually 10 of them. Stress drains your energy and leaves you feeling burned out and exhausted.
Watch this video and then download my 10 Micro Strategies to Boost your Energy and Resilience at work and at home. [link below]
Download 10 Micro...
I figured out that one of the things that was making me feel so blah was monotony and repetitiveness...working from home, living from home...lather, rinse, repeat.
But there's been an unexpected "sea change" that has mixed things up!
Watch and "sea."
Have you noticed stress affecting you mentally?
Watch this video and learn to improve your focus and concentration with 3 simple strategies. And bonus - you can build mental resilience as well!
And... watch this video to learn all about a Micro Burst.
My usual array of resiliency tools are no longer doing the job. This week (after discovering I'm dead inside), I realized I needed to add some new strategies to build resilience.
Watch this video and ask yourself, Is it time to expand your tool kit?