Your go-to resource on how to build resilience - emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually

Feeling Exhausted? Join the Do Nothing Challenge! energy resiliency Jun 13, 2022

Can you do nothing? I bet you can't! Doing nothing - with intention - is a high-quality tool for energy recovery. But the vast majority of my audiences struggle with it.

I just got called out and challenged to do more of nothing. I’m going to challenge you as well.

Watch and join.


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Facing Your Fears: Courageous or an Idiot? resiliency May 31, 2022

We just had a sketchy experience on vacation where afterward we were laughing about whether we were courageous or complete can be a fine line.

Watch to find out what happened and cast your vote! 😝


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How to Overcome Negative Self-Talk mindset resiliency stress May 10, 2022

It’s workout station number twelve: as many sandbag cleans as you can. I grab the bag, bend over, yank it up to my chest, flip it down, yank it back up, flip it down, and then it hits me… “I can’t do this. It’s too hard.” Then suddenly it mushrooms into “I CAN’T DO THIS. THIS. ALL OF THIS. LIFE.” I ...

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Tip for Stress Management: Did you know STRESS IS CONTAGIOUS? resiliency stress Apr 11, 2022

Watch this video for one of my tools that will not only protect you from stress, it will also boost positivity and resilience in your life.


✴️ Subscribe for more tips to boost your resilience.


Fun fact:

Research shows that we can catch each other's stress and negativity (Bergland, 2016)...

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Resiliency Support for Your Leaders and Managers resiliency stress Apr 05, 2022

After 1 week, people forget an average of 90% of new information. Combine this with being busy, stressed, and constantly dealing with change, your leaders and managers need ongoing support.

Are you ready for a company-wide resiliency makeover that seriously shifts culture? Our new Resiliency Suppor...

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Do you want a more fulfilling, passionate & purposeful life?
Get started with my FREE Ignite Your Purpose Mini Course!

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