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Successful Weight Loss: Do the Opposite of What You Think You Should messages plate it out Jan 02, 2013

If you want to gain weight, make sure you don't eat.

Yes, you read that right. NOT eating often leads to weight gain and there are both physiological and psychological reasons for this happening.

PSYCHOLOGICAL:  Being on a diet often means using willpower to not eat - food restriction and...

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The Secret to Making Change? Your Inner Caveman caveman messages Oct 11, 2012

Why do we vow at 8:30 AM not to eat any more sweets, yet at 3:30 PM we’ve got our hands in a co-worker’s candy stash?

Why do we sign up for a gym membership we rarely ever use?

Why do we say we’re going to remain calm and rational during an intense meeting, but twenty...

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I Can Add “Sociopath” to My Personal Profile messages Sep 28, 2012

I recently had the pleasure of hearing Brené Brown speak.  If you’re not familiar with her work, she’s a researcher on shame and vulnerability and her Ted talk went viral.

You may be wondering why I was going to hear someone talk about shame and vulnerability….I...

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Why Your Workout Should Be More Like a Drinking Game messages play it out Sep 16, 2012

I’ve been turning my workouts into a drinking game.

I had to.

You know how some people (who shall remain nameless) used to play drinking games in college that had all sorts of crazy rules to make them drink?  There was Three Man, which for the life of me I cannot remember the rules...

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Which Makes More of an Impact in Losing Weight: Diet or Exercise? messages plate it out play it out Sep 06, 2012

I’ve actually got four answers to this question:

  1. Initially it’s diet, but long term it’s a combination of both
  2. Exercise alone typically does not make much impact in weight loss
  3. However, exercise helps you keep the weight off long term
  4. There are other benefits to exercise you...
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