Ā Your go-to resource onĀ how to build resilience - emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually

How Glycemic Index Affects Resiliency plate it out Aug 21, 2014


The glycemic index is an invaluable tool in making snack and meal choices. Choosing foods that are lower glycemic can help to:

  • stabilize blood glucose levels
  • minimize stress on the body
  • reduce body fat
  • fuel the brain for optimal performance
  • balance energy
  • improve...
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Control Your Environment with Optimal Defaults caveman control optimal defaults plate it out Aug 11, 2014

Many of us don't recognize that our environments unconsciously impact our rate of success or failure in making lasting change. Sneaky Pete is highly influenced by his external environment, and advanced brain doesn’t recognize that fact.

Your advanced brain says you simply have to stop...

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How to Fail & Rescue Your Diet in 3 Easy Steps messages plate it out Jan 01, 2014


1.  Go on a diet.

2.  Vow to give up certain foods.

3.  Don't eat.

Not eating requires willpower and willpower requires eating.   Willpower is fueled by glucose from the foods we eat.  Low glucose means low willpower in addition to an increase in cravings for...

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Successful Weight Loss: Do the Opposite of What You Think You Should messages plate it out Jan 02, 2013

If you want to gain weight, make sure you don't eat.

Yes, you read that right. NOT eating often leads to weight gain and there are both physiological and psychological reasons for this happening.

PSYCHOLOGICAL:  Being on a diet often means using willpower to not eat - food restriction and...

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How to Make Change a No-Brainer control optimal defaults plate it out Oct 29, 2012

In my previous post I explained how we all still have caveman brains – too much change is perceived as stress, which kicks in our fight or flight response, taking us into protection mode.  Part of this protection mode means seeking the comfort and security of our familiar habits and...

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