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Mashing Our Butts Flat Found to Be Dangerous messages Nov 10, 2009

In my ongoing reading and research I came across an article in the October 2009 IDEA Fitness Journal that talked about "an emerging field of research called inactivity physiology".  ......What the?!.....  This new field involves "the study of sitting for extended periods of time...

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Short Bursts of Physical Activity Get More Validation messages Nov 10, 2009

Lately there's been a good amount of buzz in the exercise science world about the benefits of workouts that consist of short bursts of intense physical activity vs. longer workouts done at a lower intensity.

Quite a bit of research has been showing that exercise done in intense...

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Chest Exercises from NBC KARE 11 TV Segment messages Nov 02, 2009

It's the next installment in our series on getting a jump on the New Year with resistance training exercises for the chest.  How have things been going with the arm exercises we covered last month?  You should be doing them at least 2 separate times each week and you can now add these...

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Buffet Strategies. (Food, not the Dude) messages Oct 23, 2009

I do a lot of performance coaching around nutrition and I like to help my clients figure out ways to implement ideal strategies in the real world - while traveling, at client dinners, in restaurants, etc.  When it comes to having to choose a meal from a buffet I always coach people to:

  • Take...
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54: Percentage of women who would rather be hit by a truck than be fat. messages Oct 17, 2009

 PowerHouse Performance Coaching is proud to be a partner in the second annual Fat Talk Free Week this week (October 19th-23rd), a nation-wide body image education and eating disorders prevention program.  This campaign is designed to draw attention to the damaging impact of the...

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