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Control Your Environment with Optimal Defaults caveman control optimal defaults plate it out Aug 11, 2014

Many of us don't recognize that our environments unconsciously impact our rate of success or failure in making lasting change. Sneaky Pete is highly influenced by his external environment, and advanced brain doesn’t recognize that fact.

Your advanced brain says you simply have to stop...

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How to Make Change a No-Brainer control optimal defaults plate it out Oct 29, 2012

In my previous post I explained how we all still have caveman brains – too much change is perceived as stress, which kicks in our fight or flight response, taking us into protection mode.  Part of this protection mode means seeking the comfort and security of our familiar habits and...

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Six Goal Setting Tips + One Crazy Face change optimal defaults plate it out Dec 02, 2011

In still photo grabs I am the female version of Jim Carey - apparently I do nothing other than make crazy faces while I talk.  Good thing I'm a public speaker.

Anyway, here's this month's Health & Fitness segment from NBC KARE 11.  Enjoy!

  • BE SPECIFIC. When deciding on a goal, be...
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