Ā Your go-to resource onĀ how to build resilience - emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually

3 ways to work SMARTER, not harder mindset resiliency Jun 29, 2021

I've believed THIS lie my whole life!

Watch this video to see why it's not always true and 3 ways to work SMARTER, not necessarily harder.

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How to bust up the "slog" of life resiliency Jun 07, 2021

Life (especially professionally) can feel like one big, long slog at times...periodically punctuated by something good happening.

Watch this video for an easy - AND FUN - way to have more celebration and feelings of success & accomplishment.


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How to deal with the commute and return to the "hamster wheel" change resiliency May 24, 2021

Several of you shared your concerns about going back to work post COVID with me. Watch this video and discover some simple strategies to help create a mindset that feels SO MUCH better.

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The ONE thing to remember when you feel like itā€™s too much confidence resiliency May 21, 2021

How many times have you ever thought or said "I can't handle this?" Watch this video to learn one very important thing that will prove you CAN.

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Going back to work? How to make the transition easier. resiliency May 17, 2021

Are you feeling a little bajiggidy about returning to work? Watch this video to discover the underlying reason why and what you can do about it.

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