Motivation for not giving up

Why Small Consistent Efforts Beat One-Time Hustles

consistency mindset motivation resiliency Nov 07, 2024

Got a goal you've been working on but it seems like NOTHING is happening and you're about to give up? HOLD UP. Before you do, watch this video that shows why you may be closer to getting to your goal than you think.

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How Does Persistance Lead to Success?


Perhaps you have a “piñata” in your life – a goal you’ve been focused on, day after day, and it seems like nothing is happening.


I was recently at a kids birthday party and witnessed something that explained a lot of what often happens when you’re working toward a goal.


At this party there are kids everywhere. They're all high on sugar, and they start lining up to take a crack at the piñata.


The first kid to step up is a little girl named Mikayla. She's small but mighty - like a tornado stuffed into a backpack. She hauls off and gives the piñata a solid whack and nothing happens.


It’s now the second kid, Hamilton’s turn. He’s got the calm energy of a deep breath and has this unshakable vibe. He's steady, swings, connects with it, but still nothing happens.


And then there's Hannah, who will always give 110% but doesn't always quite know what's going on. She gives it several swings, which results in just about as many misses.


It’s been about 15 minutes and nothing's coming out of this piñata. At this point, you can tell the kids are kind of starting to lose interest.


And it's not just these kids. Research within the last 10 years has shown that our attention spans are shrinking, while our need for instant gratification is increasing. Which means we've got scattered priorities, it's hard to maintain focus, and we struggle with making consistent progress.


But not Scotty. He's next. His soft smile makes you think that he's all cuddles and crayons, but do not be fooled by this kid! He’s like a bulldog with a juice box. He steps up, swings, connects and BAM! Jackpot!


Candy comes pouring out, the kids are snapped out of their bored stupor, and they’re grabbing for as much as they possibly can.


So this got me thinking: Who actually burst open the piñata? Was it that singular hit by Scotty that did it? Or was it the accumulation of every single hit over time that made it crack open?


The reality is that most things take patience. They take persistence. And they take repeated action.


Science has shown that persistence is a better predictor of long term success than IQ or raw talent. Which means a huge factor of success is simply not giving up!


When you take small actions repeatedly, it creates powerful results.


Keep putting in the work.


Keep doing the things.


And good things will happen.


You just gotta keep taking a whack at it. 🪅


And if you're really struggling with motivation, watch this video to get your dopamine flowing.

10 Micro Strategies to Boost Your Energy & Resilience

Instead of reaching for that candy bar or cup of coffee, here are 10 QUICK & EASY WAYS you can increase your energy and resilience by changing your chemistry and physiology.


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