Stop the swirl of stress

How to Stop the Stress and Burnout Tornado

burnout overwhelm stress Sep 17, 2024

EVERYONE and EVERYTHING are clamoring for your attention.

Combine this with your need to get everything done and do everything for everyone, and now you're in the swirl of the stress and burnout tornado.

Here's one of THE MOST POWERFUL ways to stop feeling overextended, overwhelmed, and overloaded.



If we haven’t met yet, I'm Jenny Evans and I'm a resiliency expert, speaker, author and an executive coach. For over 25 years I've worked with leaders at Yale School of Management, Nationwide, CVS, Deloitte, Kraft Heinz, Target, JP Morgan Chase, and many more to amp up their resilience and optimize their mindset.


But more importantly, I’ve helped them dramatically shift and change the way they work and live. I’ve helped people:

  • find the confidence they've always been looking for

  • save their marriages and relationships with their kids

  • change the way they prioritize their health

  • find work life balance

  • advance further in their careers


If you'd like to bring resiliency and performance tools to your women's leadership programming or event, check out my Resiliency Academy for Female Leaders.


10 Micro Strategies to Boost Your Energy & Resilience

Instead of reaching for that candy bar or cup of coffee, here are 10 QUICK & EASY WAYS you can increase your energy and resilience by changing your chemistry and physiology.


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