The best life lessons

25 Years Of The Best Life Lessons In 11 Minutes From Top Coach

Jul 18, 2024

If you're ready to unlock your full potential and transform the way you approach life’s challenges, this video is for you. Don't miss out on these valuable lessons without having to go through the pain, suffering, time, and effort!


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5 Big Life Lessons


If we haven’t met yet, I'm Jenny Evans and I'm a resiliency expert, speaker, author and an executive coach. For over 25 years I've worked with leaders at Yale School of Management, Nationwide, CVS, Deloitte, Kraft Heinz, Target, JP Morgan Chase, and many more to amp up their resilience and optimize their mindset.


But more importantly, I’ve helped them dramatically shift and change the way they work and live. I’ve helped people:

  • find the confidence they've always been looking for.

  • save their marriages and relationships with their kids.

  • change the way they prioritize their health.

  • find work life balance.

  • advance further in their careers.


What's helped me guide my clients – as well as myself – through work and life are 5 BIG LIFE LESSONS that influence the way I coach and speak to my audiences.


And I want to share these 5 big life unlocks with you so you can get all the benefit without having to go through the pain, suffering, time, and effort it took me to learn these.




Here's a picture of me when I was 3 years old.



Those are stitches in my head.


And it happened 2 other times before the age of 5.


And when I did reach the age of 5, I had to wear these corrective shoes. They were the only shoes I was allowed to wear.


Let's just say I was not the most coordinated kid on the block. And it goes without saying that it didn’t get much better in middle school.


Once I got to college I started teaching fitness classes. And that's when I really started to develop my physical strength and coordination.


And when I was long out of college I started doing flying trapeze, which scared the bejeezus out of me.


And at a certain point I started to realize that if I can do things that are really physically uncomfortable – and also scare the crap out of me - I can do just about anything!




Take the confidence you have in a skill or an area of your life…

  • maybe you’re an awesome cook.

  • maybe you're really good at music.

  • you might pick up language really well.

  • you’re really proud of the way you parent.

  • you're great at fixing things.


Take that confidence you have and start applying it and laying it over other areas of your life. You are capable! You can do many things! You’ve figured things out!


It's a game changer.




Did you ever, as a kid, say something in class that cracked everyone up?


How did you interpret that experience?


Maybe the story you created was “Oh my God! I am so embarrassed! Everybody's looking at me. Everybody's laughing at me. I'm so uncomfortable. I'm never doing that again.” And you become more introverted.


Or maybe the story you created when people laughed was “Oh my God! That felt fantastic! That was so awesome!! I can't wait to do it again.” And you become the class clown.


Both are possible stories you could have created around the exact same set of facts and circumstances. And your stories become your reality.


It’s not so much about what happens to us in our lives. It's the stories we create about what happens.


We know, based on current psychological research, that these stories are extremely powerful because the more you repeat them - either internally to yourself or you say them out loud - it creates neural pathways in your brain. It changes the function and structure of your brain.


And you have millions of stories around every aspect of your life:

  • whether you work out or not

  • whether you drink or smoke

  • how you prioritize your day

  • whether you work long hours

  • how you parent

  • how you show up in your romantic relationships


Some of these stories are a reflection of the truth, are aligned with your values, and take you where you want to go in life.


You also have stories where you distort the truth, they’re not aligned with your values, and they become the brick wall that prevents you from changing.


You are the author of your life stories, and you have to be very conscious and intentional about the stories you create!




When I was in my early 30s, I was a brand new mom and my career was taking off. I really thought my life's purpose was to help better the lives of as many people as I possibly could. And because of this I was on the road a lot.


Luckily I had a life changing conversation with someone that helped me realize my purpose was actually to influence the most important person in my life, and that was my daughter’s.


This realization completely shifted the way I organized and prioritized my life. I decided I was only going to be available to travel and speak every other week, which means I said no to a lot of money and a lot of opportunities.


But it was an easy choice. I was 100% confident in organizing my life this way, and it helped teach me that purpose is the answer key to life.


When you are clear on your purpose, you become clear on everything…your priorities, your decisions, who and what gets your time, energy and effort and who and what does not!


Being clear on your purpose also improves your resilience, longevity, health, focus, and productivity.




I used to do flying trapeze, and anytime I was learning a new trick or trying something out of safety lines, I would turn to the person standing on the trapeze board with me and say “What's the worst that could happen?!”, then laugh and take off.


The worst that could happen is I could die. I could become paralyzed. I could get seriously hurt. Or everything could go well because I had been practicing for these things.


Your brain is hardwired to always assume the worst. In great detail.


But it rarely ever happens.


You need to give the same amount of energy to what could go great as you do to things that could go wrong.


I believe the odds of something good happening or something bad happening are about the same. So why not default to the odds that this thing is going to work out well?!


Honestly, how often does something ACTUALLY turn out disastrous? What's the worst that could ACTUALLY happen?????




This might sound a little weird, but I don't have failures.


The closest thing I can think of was selling my Hit The Deck cards on QVC. I put in a TON of prep work, shipped pallets of product and flew out there to get training.


The person who trained me told me they were going to be a huge hit.


I hardly sold any.


And I had to pay for all of it to get shipped back!


I didn't go to business school. In fact, I never took a single business course.


But I feel like my whole career has been semesters of business school where I spend the amount of time I would on a semester of learning, the amount of money or, God forbid, sometimes both.


BUT EXPERIENCE IS HOW YOU LEARN! And that's why I don't really see my life as having any failures, because they were all learning and growth opportunities.


And you might be thinking “Oh, but Jenny, I can't do that. It's a lot harder for me.” If that’s the case, I want you to watch this video that will help.


So these are the 5 life lessons that have sculpted the way I work, live, and teach my clients and audiences. I hope you’ve found them helpful and inspiring.


What have I missed? What’s a big life lesson that changed everything for you? I want to know!


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