Can Journaling Actually Improve Your Stress Levels Or Is It All Nonsense?

Enter your details and get 365 Days of Micro Journaling prompts to make journaling easy and productive.

Journaling "is too hard"

It's way too time consuming to journal

If you're worried about how much time journaling will take, my approach can take as little as 1 minute.

What the heck am I supposed to write about?

My daily prompts guide you on a purposeful path to journaling about important topics without losing your sense of humor.

I don't want anyone reading my thoughts

Your journal is for you and it's natural to not want others to read it. Just find a great hiding spot if you are worried.

These micro journaling prompts help you to...

Manage anxiety
Reduce stress
Cope with depression
Help you prioritize problems, fears, and concerns
Gain emotional distance and understanding of your experiences 
Increase your immunity 
Decrease stress-related doctor visits
Get 365 Days of Micro Journaling Prompts Download
"Jenny and her team were a pleasure to work with! Jenny is an incredibly knowledgeable, high energy dynamo who shared tools and techniques to manage stress and build resiliency in our current times."

Stephanie Giacco
Experiential Solutions Manager & Consultant